1938 Trance and Dance in Bali
Trance and Dance in Bali is a film in the series Character formation in different cultures. This short documentary film was shot on 16 December 1937 by the anthropogists George Bateson and Margaret Mead. They did research on Bali in the period 1936-1939.
The film shows female dancers with sharp kris daggers dancing in trance. The trance ritual that they filmed combined the Rangda or Witch play (Calonarang) with the Barong and kris-dance play. The film was not released until 1951.
The film shows female dancers with sharp kris daggers dancing in trance. The trance ritual that they filmed combined the Rangda or Witch play (Calonarang) with the Barong and kris-dance play. The film was not released until 1951.
1940 Balinese women