Balinese women before 1950 part 1

Until 1950, the normal dress style in Bali was for women not to cover their upper body and breasts. Their beauty inspired many photographers and painters. The spread of their wonderful work made exotic Bali famous and stimulated the flow of tourists to the enchanting Island of the Gods.

Painters: Willem Gerard Hofker, Rudolf Bonnet, Le Mayeur de Merprès, Miguel Covarrubias, WOJ Nieuwenkamp, I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, GP Adolfs, Sumardi, Basoeki Abdullah, Lee Man-Fong, Cristiano, Anak Agung Gde Sobrat, Hendra Gunawan, Theo Meier, I Wayan Gedot, Dewa Putu Bedil, Julius Wentscher, W. Dooijewaard, Lucien Frits Ohl, Hasim, Antonio Blanco, Abdul Aziz, Roland Strasser, Han Snel, Sudarso, I Bidja, C Mystkowski, H. Paulides, Huang Fong, Siew Hock Meng, Gilda Ambron, Piet Mooijen, I Gusti Nyoman Darta, Charles Sayers, Batuan School, Anonymous.

Photographers: KT Satake, Thilly Weissenborn, Gregor Krause, AA Bake, H Cartier-Bresson, Edgar, I van Kinsbergen, Schuuring, Nicholas Cornhill, Anonymous.

Balinese women before 1950 part 2


1940 Balinese women